Friday, August 28, 2009

Fried Catfish & Dancing

We met our neighbors at Uncle Bud's Fried Catfish (a fabulous traveling restaurant) for dinner a couple weeks ago. The food was wonderful and the girls had a great time running around and dancing to the live music. Now I'm sure this is a video only a mother could love, but the girls are just so darn cute trying to dance!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh, how we love our swing...

The girls ask us every single time we go in the backyard to push them on their swing. I say "their" swing, but really Lauren has outgrown it even though she can still cram herself into it! Here is a video of Molly in the swing and Daddy & Lauren pushing her. I don't think I captured the pure joy Molly experiences when in the swing, but I tried!